Evalution and Administration

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Who We Are

Table 1 provides an overview of the central office workforce in the Hopetopia Public School district by position and separately by demographic characteristics.

Table 1: Evaluation and Administration of Hopetopia Public Schools Staffing Descriptive Statistics (FTE)
Assessment Design Central Office Evaluators Data Analysis Total
White 116 290 174 116 594
Non-white 29 145 116 14 406
Male 87 72 87 87 493
Female 58 362 203 43 478
Non-resident 43 203 232 72 420
College degree+ 145 362 232 130 899
Total 145 435 290 130 1,000

Current Operations Budget

Table 2 provides an overview of the FY22 budget for Evaluation and Administration broken out by operations and the source of the expenditure.

Table 2: Budget Overview FY22

(a) Evaluation and Administration Operations (in 1,000s)
Evaluation and Administration 285,487
Student assessment 83,430
Teacher evaluation 57,321
Data collection and analysis 30,000
Public Schools Administration 85,250
Charter school assessment 10,700
Communications 5,941
College program review 12,845
(b) Evaluation and Administration Expenditures (in 1,000s)
Evaluation and Administration 285,487
Personnel FT Pay 175,682
Pay - Other 66,413
Fringe benefits 39,376
Overtime 975