Hopetopia Public Schools

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Who We Are

Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of our workforce by position and demographic characteristics.

Table 1: Hopetopia Public Schools Staffing Descriptive Statistics (FTE)
Assistant Principals Teachers Support Staff Principals Total
White 53 3255 368 59 3735
Non-white 13 1184 184 53 1434
Male 105 1217 79 79 1480
Female 53 3222 473 33 3781
Non-resident 99 1032 520 53 1703
College degree+ 158 4439 493 112 5202
Total 158 4439 552 112 5261

FY22 Operations Budget

Table 2 provides an overview of the FY22 budget for Hopetopia Public Schools broken out by operations and the source of the expenditure.

Table 2: Budget Overview FY22

(a) Public Schools Operations (in 1,000s)
Hopetopia Public Schools 1,692,351
Public schools 995,617
Charter payments 500,675
Transportation 104,959
Community college 91,100
(b) Public Schools Expenditures (in 1,000s)
Hopetopia Public Schools 1,692,351
Personnel FT Pay 1,041,433
Pay - Other 393,690
Fringe benefits 233,418
Overtime 5,778